Thursday, June 9, 2011

(week 29). two pounds away from being overweight!

I am celebrating today. I am a mere TWO POUNDS from being classified as “overweight”. Why is that awesome? Well, for the past several years, I’ve been considered “obese”, and I’m VERY excited to change that very soon.

*sigh* I can’t even remember the last time I was one-eighty-something! Maybe when I got engaged, back in 2005? Wow. 6 years...

I had made a rule very early on in this process to not become obsessive about weighing in; there would be no daily scale-stepping for me. So that thinking eventually evolved into just not weighing in at all until Thursdays.

Of course, I was tempted by my mother-in-law’s scale this past Tuesday. I’ve had a rough few weeks, to be honest. I really didn’t expect much from this week’s weight loss, so I was beside myself when I saw 188 flash on the scale. In fact, I screamed! LOL.

I took particular care to not wear weighty clothes (hello, summer dress!) this morning. I was DETERMINED to at least maintain Tuesday’s results. As I stepped on the scale, 187.6 flashed! I LOST 4 POUNDS THIS WEEK! That’s almost 33 pounds since starting this, and about 50 since having Noah. That’s a lot to lose.

What does that look like? A little something like this:

I’d like to leave you with a quote I heard in my WW meeting today, as it is not only completely true, but giggle-worthy:

“Diet helps you look good in clothes. Exercise helps you look good naked.”

Thursday, June 2, 2011

(week 28). losing again...

Not going to go into a long post about this, but I lost 1.6 pounds this week. Very happy that I’m getting back on track.