Tuesday, October 11, 2011

vacation is over.

Hey, y’all, I’m back! I decided to take a few months off of WW, in order to focus on bigger things in my life. We recently bought a house, so all of my brainpower—including point counting—needed to be put there.

It’s been quite a journey. Stressful, joyful, exciting... We’ve run the gamut of emotions over the past three months. I think we’ve finally settled in enough that I can focus on myself and my weight loss. Wahoo!

My last weigh in was at 185. I’ve been waffling between 187 and 189. (not too shabby, considering the amount of take out we consumed!) I don’t want to see it climb any higher. It’s time I take charge of my eating habits and push the scale numbers DOWN (where they belong).

The next WW series I can join starts in a month. Between now and then, I plan on managing my points myself (well, with eTools) and attempting to up my exercise.

I’m also going to start twittering my journey. Many of you have been kind enough to follow my progress, and have sent lovely notes about your own WW experiences. I felt this would be a great way to keep everyone in the loop of my successes (and failures). I will post recipe ideas, daily struggles, and thoughts on my progress. Feel free to jump in on the discussion; follow me @jen_on_WW.