Tuesday, November 30, 2010

week (almost) 5. ready for the scale?

It’s been almost two weeks since I weighed in last. I’m nervous—especially since I didn’t deprive myself of Thanksgiving goodness—but excited. Despite not being AS hardcore over the weekend, I think that I’ve been doing well. As long as the number decreases some, I’ll be happy. Even if it doesn’t, I’ll just keep trying until next time!

Like I said previously, the baby is with my mom for the week. It’s been harder on me than I thought it’d be. I find myself occasionally bored, listless and feeling without purpose. What happens when Jen gets that way? She eats. I didn’t go overboard, but I did more than I probably should have. Steak! Sweet Potatoes! Cheesecake! That’s right, I had it all. Delicious, yes, but I felt awful afterward. I thought about all the points I just ate, or how much I’d have to compensate for to make it balance out.

I’m finding myself more conscious of what other people eat around me. Eating with friends at lunch, I watch them down multiple servings of butter-drenched, fat-laden foods. Do they realize what they’re doing? It’s not even about the points—the caloric intake that some people consume is just INSANE! Last night, husband ate an Oreo dipped in (lite) Cool Whip, and I just about died. I probably annoyed him with my gasps and “ick faces”—I need to just focus on what I’m eating instead of what everyone else chooses to put in their tummy.

In other news ... my MIL joined WW again yesterday! This is going to help us both stay accountable. Plus, it’s pretty nice that the two cooks in the house can be point conscious!

WW also announced a new “PointsPlus” system yesterday. I’ll learn more about it Thursday at my meeting, but from what I’m reading, fruit and (most) vegetables are free! This should definitely encourage all WWers to make healthy decisions and choose more of what we SHOULD be eating. Plus, my point allowance has gone up, thanks to their new formula. Sweet!

In regard to my “I LEARNED A...” two weeks ago: the soup and popcorn trick is working out so well! Yummy soups fill me up for just a couple points, and the popcorn serves as an all-afternoon snack! Yum!

SNACK TIP: “Fiber One” bars are amazing for your 2pm hunger pangs. They’re chewy, tasty and only a few points! Plus, the fiber helps keep you fuller longer. Making it to dinner is even easier!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

week 4. no scale allowed!

today is thanksgiving. we just left the baby at my mom's, and we are driving home through freezing rain. fun, right?

because of the holiday, I don't have a WW meeting this week. that doesn't mean I'm dropping my guard, though! I've been very good about monitoring my points, saving the "extra" for a dinner out with my parents yesterday. even still, I didn't go overboard or anything. whew!

WW mates had expressed the challenges with thanksgiving, and how to not feel pressured, but I'm finding my biggest challenge today has been the long-standing habits I created with road trips. we tend to eat fast food, candy, and plenty of other snacks, most likely out of boredom.

this time, I drank water or diet dr. pepper (0 points), had a few PIECES of low-fat candy, and ate sensibly when we stopped (even insisting on cracker barrel instead of mcdonalds).

did I do 100%? no, but making life changes take baby steps.

here's hoping next week still shows a loss! goodness knows I'm working for

Thursday, November 18, 2010

week 3. first milestone celebration!

I celebrated my first WW milestone today—over five pounds lost! It's a big deal for me, because this is one of the first times I've absolutely focused on weight loss fully.

I am...
  • exercising (or at least amping up my activity)
  • watching my food intake
  • thinking about WHAT I'm eating
  • conscious about WHEN I'm eating
  • evaluating whether I'm hungry, thirsty, or just bored

With being sick, I think I'm doing pretty darn well.

I was recognized in today's meeting for my milestone, and my leader asked what it was like to lose the first five. I said—much to the chagrin of my WW mates, I'm sure—that it wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be... and I wasn't lying! All it takes is a bit of focus and determination, willpower and strength ... with that, you can do anything!

Next week, I am taking a road trip instead of eating Thanksgiving dinner. (No, I'm not intentionally missing T-day!) I think that being on a road that only featured McDonalds is going to be a challenge, but if I eat before we leave, and pack some decent snacks, I'll be able to stay on plan.

I'm super-excited that I can actually make this happen. According to WW, my 5% goal is 11 pounds; 10% is 22. I have the 10% in my sights for Christmas ... 16 more to go ...

LUNCH TIP: Add Progresso soups and popcorn to your lunch menu. The soup is only 2 points (for a whole can full of veggie goodness!) and a bag of fat-free popcorn is 1. I plan on entering that into my lunch rotation next week, which should help fill me up and slim me down.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

week 2. a positive loss.

weigh in was Thursday, and I was pleasantly surprised to find I lost three pounds. it was definitely a motivator for me.

I don't think I had expectations going into it really--I knew that I had stuck to my points and exercised some, but I didn't have a number or anything in mind.

going in to week three, I am really focused on doing well. I'm tired and sore, but I'm still pushing myself to be active. this morning, I was playing with Noah and doing sit-ups in between--such the multi-tasker!

if I can keep on 2-3 pounds lost per week, I could be down almost 20 by Christmas. THAT would be a lovely gift indeed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

week 1. weight loss while sick.

I went to my first WW meeting last Thursday. The teacher got me really excited about doing the program, but my body had other ideas. I've been sick for almost a week now, so getting my head around this whole thing has been a bit of a challenge.

With that said, I've really TRIED to stick to my points. I'm not giving up Dr. Pepper just yet, but I've built it into my points each day. I've also picked up Smart Ones meals to make eating, counting and portion control easier.

Today, I was able to get a break from the baby, and did housework for over an hour. I broke a sweat running up and down the stairs, but man, did I get a work out!

I'm planning on waking up early each morning before work to work out to a DVD. it's my only time alone, with no distractions, so hopefully I can stick to it.

Goal for the week: two pounds.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Time Is Now.

I’ve come up with a list of reasons why I NEED to lose weight:

  1. I must make myself—and my health—a priority.
  2. I wake up aching.
  3. I am unhappy with how I look in pictures.
  4. I have an unrealistic view of what I look like, and find myself disappointed every time I realize it.
  5. I have a 9 month old that needs to keep me around.
  6. I am not on any sort of schedule or routine, and I could benefit from it.
  7. I don’t exercise much, and need to.
  8. I want to feel happy about accomplishing something.
  9. I want to make a difference in my own life.
  10. I don’t want to be squishy.
  11. I want to be healthy.
  12. I want to LIVE.

THIS is why I’m going to lose weight. This is why I’m going to be successful. This is my motivation.

I can do this.

Here's the deal.

Okay, we are starting again. I don't expect anyone to read this, so I can be perfectly candid here.

I had a baby nine months ago. He is the BEST thing I could have ever asked for. But with the baby came the weight. In my case, I was no longer able to hover at a particular number. My stomach has the post-baby rolls, with skin that just kind of hangs. I'm sluggish, sore and miserable, all while chasing my baby around the house!

My body can feel it. It's time for a change.

I've decided, with the support of my family, to join Weight Watchers. I may not each much each day (which isn't good), but I also know I'm not always eating the best things for me. I need to work on that.

I also need to figure out a way to become more active in my life. Not sure how to do that yet, but it's going to happen. It HAS to.

I'm hoping that WW goes well. My goal is to lose 70 pounds. I can definitely conquer half of that by March, so we'll start there. Hell, if I can lose 15 by Christmas, I'll be a happy girl!

I will try to post here with my thoughts on my progress; hopefully it will be a great motivator for me over time.

Wish me luck. I can do this!!!