in honor of st. patrick's day, i bring you a story about beer.
note: i don't drink. that's not to say that i haven't or won't, but i've found that most drinks taste like old feet or bitter grossness. (plus, why pay for a slight buzz that is inevitably followed by a headache?)
however, i know that most of you (including my husband) indulge in a "tip back" every now and then, so this is for you.
there are honest-to-goodness benefits to drinking beer! studies have revealed that beer can produce the same benefits as drinking wine. whether you prefer ales, lagers, stout, bitter or wheat beers, studies show that one drink a day for women or up to two drinks a day for men will reduce your chances of strokes, heart and vascular disease.
alcohol has also been attributed of its ability to increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) into the bloodstream as well as help to decrease blood clots.
fabulous, no?
here are some more facts on the brew: (courtesy of essortment.com)
• it is nutritious if consumed in moderation
• it's s fat-free and cholesterol free
• beer has a relaxing effect on the body thereby reducing stress
• it helps you sleep better
• alcohol helps prevent heart disease and improves the blood circulation
• it's proven to have positive effects on elderly people.
• lastly, it helps to promote blood vessel dilation, sleep, and urination
even thomas jefferson believed in the power of swill: "beer, if drank in moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit, and promotes health."
some interesting reads:
eight reasons to drink beer
not all diets are the same; the author of this one lost 114 pounds of fat, while still enjoying his drink.
respect beer.
how many calories are in your favorite brewskie?
sure, i pointed out some of the positives to slamming back a drink or two a day, but that doesn't mean you should go out and get "boozed up!" moderation is key. something more to think about: excess drinking has been associated with an increased risk of several serious health ailments, such as cancer, high blood pressure and liver disease.
also, for all you under-agers out there, please don't drink until you're of age. alcohol may have it's health benefits, but partaking prematurely could lead to stunted growth or other health conditions that you don't need to deal with yet.
drink responsibly, today and always! happy st. patty's day!
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