Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i've been a bad, bad girl.

i got a couple of suggestions (to help curb some of the stress and anxiety that i've been experiencing through the overhaul) to try slimquick.

stupidly, i did.

i read up on it, and it seemed ok for me to take ...

i had a nifty burst of energy that lasted through part of the day, but around 2, i started to crash. by the time i got home at 4:30, i was miserable.

my head was pounding, i was dizzy, and i felt like throwing up. that feeling got worse as the evening wore on, and is still with me this morning.

i re-read the label last night. fine print: "one serving of this product contains the amount of caffeine equivalent to 2 cups of coffee."

nooooooooooooooooooooo! i had caffeine!!

bad jen, bad.

i knew better. don't depend on pills to help you lose weight. the side effects are just not worth it, no matter how much they're supposed to help you through it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those pills are such a bad idea and so tricky.
