Friday, April 18, 2008

week six weigh-in: results

well, the time has come to step on the scale. again.

and mr. scale says: i've gained a half pound (up to 199, for those who couldn't tell).

i'm glad that's all i've gained.

i didn't work out at all. (mostly because i couldn't see straight for a few days)

i had those yummy caramel eggs.

i've been in a weird funk.

oh, and i've been super-busy at work!

(enough excuses yet?)

i just have to try better next week.

now, i just have to find my motivation again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl. Keep your head up. We will work out together this week and keep each other on track. I say work out tommorrow 5ish. Just let me know. Love you.-Sara