And I’m super-proud of MY awesomeness; I’m down over 23 pounds! I’ve got another pound and change to go before I hit my “St. Louis” goal, and I think I can totally do it by next week!
Oh, and I almost forgot! With me not having blogged in a few weeks, I haven’t been able to mention I hit a MAJOR milestone a week or two ago: I hit my 10% goal! That is HUGE for me! It not only shows I’ve been able to stick with something, but that THIS IS WORKING!
I ran into an old co-worker earlier this week. She hadn’t seen me since I had just had the baby, and she was completely taken aback by how I looked. LOL, she said she didn’t even recognize me! I can’t always tell that I’ve lost weight... Sure, my face looks thinner, and my arms and legs aren’t as puffy, but I still look like the me I have in my head. Make sense? Maybe my brain never adjusted to “bigger Jen”. Sure, we’ll go with that.
This whole experience has been so positive; I just need to keep moving forward with it.
Now, what are YOU doing to WIN?!
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