i'm trying to keep my work-out momentum going, so i am avoiding the scale until next week.
in the mean time ...
eight more miles to go by sunday!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
ridiculous ways to lose weight (or: things that just won't work)
ready to "shed 10 pounds in 2 weeks"? how about getting your "bod beach-ready"?
with just weeks to go before summer starts, women are becoming desperate to see results, ready to believe just about everything they read.
my advice, don't.
here are a few examples (note: these specific headlines have not been in print anywhere — that i know of — but the gist of it has)
slather on the skinny: wow, this cream promises to eat my cellulite while i sleep ... it's only $60 an ounce. what a deal!?
eat-in-the-dark diet — savor the flavor and shed pounds: quite frankly, i eat even more in the dark. if i don't have to see it, it doesn't exist.
trim belly fat by reducing air intake: note to self, stop swallowing air. oxygen is the newest enemy.
don't eat your food, smell it: i think i feel like chicken for dinner ... yummy lotion.
slim your thighs with lip gloss, guaranteed: how can this even be possible? curbing cravings through your lips? crazy.
my suggestion? research, research, research. ask your doctor before you try anything that sounds too good to be true. more than likely, it probably is.
with just weeks to go before summer starts, women are becoming desperate to see results, ready to believe just about everything they read.
my advice, don't.
here are a few examples (note: these specific headlines have not been in print anywhere — that i know of — but the gist of it has)
slather on the skinny: wow, this cream promises to eat my cellulite while i sleep ... it's only $60 an ounce. what a deal!?
eat-in-the-dark diet — savor the flavor and shed pounds: quite frankly, i eat even more in the dark. if i don't have to see it, it doesn't exist.
trim belly fat by reducing air intake: note to self, stop swallowing air. oxygen is the newest enemy.
don't eat your food, smell it: i think i feel like chicken for dinner ... yummy lotion.
slim your thighs with lip gloss, guaranteed: how can this even be possible? curbing cravings through your lips? crazy.
my suggestion? research, research, research. ask your doctor before you try anything that sounds too good to be true. more than likely, it probably is.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
i told you all my goal was 20 miles a week on the bike, and i'm happy to say that i'm eight miles down!
it was a struggle to get me to the gym today, but i made it. hooray!
it was a struggle to get me to the gym today, but i made it. hooray!
let them eat cake.
my wedding anniversary (the big 0-1) is in two weeks.

alex and i aren't doing much to celebrate, since we're both working that weekend.
the one thing we ARE doing, however, is eating cake. yummy, delicious cake.
you see, we had picked out the most scrumptious cake last year — chef's white with cream cheese icing and raspberry mousse filling — and only had a few bites of it. shameful, i know.
despite my overhaul program, i'm determined to allow the cake a repeat performance.

turns out, the place we ordered the cake at offers a COMPLIMENTARY (yes, folks, that means free) 6" round cake for your anniversary, in the flavor of your choice.
and here we were, completely prepared to pay for the scrumptiousness.
i guess the best things in life ARE free.
(don't worry, i'll ride a few extra miles to make up for it.)
the fabulous cake comes from the appropriately-named delicious cakes. check out their website for more information, and tell them jen sent you!

alex and i aren't doing much to celebrate, since we're both working that weekend.
the one thing we ARE doing, however, is eating cake. yummy, delicious cake.
you see, we had picked out the most scrumptious cake last year — chef's white with cream cheese icing and raspberry mousse filling — and only had a few bites of it. shameful, i know.
despite my overhaul program, i'm determined to allow the cake a repeat performance.

turns out, the place we ordered the cake at offers a COMPLIMENTARY (yes, folks, that means free) 6" round cake for your anniversary, in the flavor of your choice.
and here we were, completely prepared to pay for the scrumptiousness.
i guess the best things in life ARE free.
(don't worry, i'll ride a few extra miles to make up for it.)
the fabulous cake comes from the appropriately-named delicious cakes. check out their website for more information, and tell them jen sent you!
Monday, May 12, 2008
want to join the "less is more" team?
i'm looking for a few good women to join my blogging team.
if you're interested in:
• sharing your overhaul details
• writing thoughtful, on-topic posts
• finding buddies to keep you on-track
• motivating others to become healthy
• losing weight without losing your mind
• gaining writing experience
... then this is for you!
sorry, ladies, there's no money involved ... the payoff will be in your decreased pant size. : )
i think it's a really cool idea to have multiple stories of motivation presented ...
if so, send me an email (jenbare@mac.com) with the basic info:
• name
• age
• location
• weight loss goal
• writing experience (if any)
• overhaul plan
• why you want to do this
i can't wait to hear from you!
if you're interested in:
• sharing your overhaul details
• writing thoughtful, on-topic posts
• finding buddies to keep you on-track
• motivating others to become healthy
• losing weight without losing your mind
• gaining writing experience
... then this is for you!
sorry, ladies, there's no money involved ... the payoff will be in your decreased pant size. : )
i think it's a really cool idea to have multiple stories of motivation presented ...
if so, send me an email (jenbare@mac.com) with the basic info:
• name
• age
• location
• weight loss goal
• writing experience (if any)
• overhaul plan
• why you want to do this
i can't wait to hear from you!
hello again. remember me?
first of all, i'm back! it's been a crazy few weeks, but things have finally settled down enough for me to drop you all a line.
where did we leave off? oh yes — riley.
she has been settling in well. we're all still adjusting to our new schedule, but overall, we're doing great. alex and i are so proud of how far she's come in the past six weeks!
and when i'm not spending my time watching/continuing to train her, i'm working. a lot.
with that said, it's been really difficult to find the time to work out (or blog). i made it to the gym a couple of times (seriously, just two) since signing off.
my logic? well, i walk the dog every day, so that counts, right?
apparently not. i'm back up to 201.
in retrospect, i didn't watch what i ate as well as i thought i did. with alex's birthday and traveling, we ate out more than normal. (and did i mention cake? there was an abundance of cake!) i didn't shy away from pastas (although i'm still avoiding red meat and pork, for the most part) ... i drank caffeine. if there was one "let down," it would be that.
now that i'm back, it's time to get on track with things.
my new goal? work out EVERY morning before work. (fallback plan: if i miss my morning workout, i can make it up when i get off work)
and given my "type A" personality, i've decided to multitask during my 30-minute workout. instead of just listening to music, counting down the seconds until i'm done, i'll be reading all the books i want to read, but don't have time for. HAH, two birds with one stone!
(i did this for "the last lecture" — it really helped to pass the time!)
i am ready to feel better. i am ready to look better. i am ready to lose weight.
where did we leave off? oh yes — riley.
she has been settling in well. we're all still adjusting to our new schedule, but overall, we're doing great. alex and i are so proud of how far she's come in the past six weeks!
and when i'm not spending my time watching/continuing to train her, i'm working. a lot.
with that said, it's been really difficult to find the time to work out (or blog). i made it to the gym a couple of times (seriously, just two) since signing off.
my logic? well, i walk the dog every day, so that counts, right?
apparently not. i'm back up to 201.
in retrospect, i didn't watch what i ate as well as i thought i did. with alex's birthday and traveling, we ate out more than normal. (and did i mention cake? there was an abundance of cake!) i didn't shy away from pastas (although i'm still avoiding red meat and pork, for the most part) ... i drank caffeine. if there was one "let down," it would be that.
now that i'm back, it's time to get on track with things.
my new goal? work out EVERY morning before work. (fallback plan: if i miss my morning workout, i can make it up when i get off work)
and given my "type A" personality, i've decided to multitask during my 30-minute workout. instead of just listening to music, counting down the seconds until i'm done, i'll be reading all the books i want to read, but don't have time for. HAH, two birds with one stone!
(i did this for "the last lecture" — it really helped to pass the time!)
i am ready to feel better. i am ready to look better. i am ready to lose weight.
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